job creation

Increasing Access to Employment Through Government Programmes: Experience with Expanded Public Works Programme and Community Development Workers

Luka provides an overview of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and its role in supporting community development. It assesses the Community Development Workers (CDW) programme, the principles and rationale for using community development workers, and the nature and scope of their work. It looks specifically at their training, and identifies several challenges in this…


The Business of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) in the Social Sector

Ramachela provides a brief overview of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and its extension to the social sector. The social sector is seen as the cradle of development and growth, and the EPWP as one entry point to stimulate social capital, address delivery deficits, and move people out of poverty. The EPWP offers a…


Scaling up ECD (0-4 years): Deliverable 5 – Testing Innovation to Rapidly Expand Quality ECD (0-4) Services

This paper is one of a series developed to inform the Scaling Up ECD Services (0–4 years) Research Project with the aim of improving child development and significant job creation. Altman et al identify approaches to responsible and effective innovation in the service delivery process to fast-track the expansion of quality services for vulnerable children….


Scaling Up Early Childhood Development (ECD) (0-4 years) in South Africa: Towards a Job Hierarchy for ECD Provision and Supervision in South Africa, and the Fit of Low Skill Service Providers

This paper is one of a series developed to inform the Scaling Up ECD Services (0–4 years) Research Project with the aim of improving child development and significant job creation Biersteker identifies the job hierarchies and career paths in ECD service provision and supervision; relates these to the career opportunities for low- and semi-skilled workers…


Scaling Up Early Childhood Development (ECD) (0-4 years) in South Africa: Overview of Findings

Biersteker, Dawes and Altman offer an overview of findings from an ambitious research project to support the Scaling Up of ECD Services (0–4 years), with the aim of improving child development and significant job creation.


Potential Job Creation in the South African ICT Sector

Lowitt analyses potential job creation in ICT. She provides a demand-side analysis of ICT and broadband, using four categories of demand: private consumption (individuals), private investment (large and small firms), government demand, and trade demand (sale of ICT-enabled services). The ICT sector is dealt with as a separate sector, whose size depends on demand from…


Broadband for South Africa: Capital Investment and Policy Dimensions

Kleeman assesses the investments required to achieve 100% broadband coverage. He uses case studies of Malaysia, Brazil, Korea, Ghana and Kenya. Kleeman sets out the
investment required for national broadband, alternative forms of access, the potential role of government, and different investment models. This report is part of the Vision 2020 process of the Department of…


Vision 2020 ICT Investment Executive Summary

This report is part of the Vision 2020 process of the Department of Communications. It focuses on how to achieve investment towards 100% broadband and how to optimise job creation impacts. It assessed the supply side (infrastructure investment) as well as the demand side (factors that increase data use). The country case studies helped to…


Identifying Opportunities to Drive Demand for ICT in South Africa

This report is part of the Vision 2020 process of the Department of Communications. It reports on a three-part analysis of the links between ICT investment and job creation in South Africa. It reviews barriers to broadband usage, assesses demographic trends, and offers a global review of demand-side interventions. The presentation suggests a three-pronged strategy…