Resource Intensity, Knowledge and Development: insights from Africa and Latin America
by LORENTZEN, J. (ed), 2008HSRC Press: Cape Town
Minerals economies often struggle to diversify their industrial base. Lorenzten considers opportunities for industrial diversification stimulated in resource based industries. This know-how can then migrate laterally to other industrial uses. The resource-based technology clusters programme of the Human Sciences Research Council and Mintek proposed that this could be an important way for minerals economies to…
read more >>Constructing Future Growth Opportunities: The Potential to develop an Intensive Civil Engineering and Construction Works Exports Strategy
by LOWITT, S, 2008Research Report, Employment Growth & Development Initiative, Human Sciences Research Council
Lowitt assesses the economic contribution of South Africa’s civil engineering and construction works sector through both domestic and export activity. She then compares the domestic sector and government’s approach to export activity with those of other developing countries. The idea of using external demand to grow a domestic construction sector is not new, and international…
read more >>Business process outsourcing in identified financial services sub-sectors: the potential for offshore business flows into South Africa and consequent recommendations for targeted government support
by VAN DER HEIJDEN, T., 2006Research Report, Employment Growth & Development Initiative, Human Sciences Research Council
Business process outsourcing (BPO) has enormous potential to support economic growth and employment in South Africa. So far, the focus in SA has mainly been on contact centres, where South Africa does not enjoy a comparative advantage. Competitive advantage is more likely to be found in back-office BPO: this paper specifically looks at potential opportunity…
read more >>The Employment Creation Potential of Recycling in South Africa
by LOWITT, S, 2007Research Report, Employment Growth & Development Initiative, Human Sciences Research Council
Lowitt assesses the job creation potential of South Africa’s recycling industry and whether government could promote employment in this area. The first section of the paper reviews the debate on the role of recycling in industrial production and the options available to governments for strategically positioning such activities in the short and long run. This…
read more >>What are the Policy Implications of the Informal Sector Becoming the Informal Economy?
by ALTMAN, M., 2007Research Report, Employment Growth & Development Initiative, Human Sciences Research Council
Altman considers the meaning of informality and related policy implications. She sees the concept of the ‘informal sector’, which often refers to micro, unregistered enterprise, as a narrow construct that is not really a sector at all. Instead, Altman is concerned with the character of precariousness in the broader workforce. ‘Informality’ is seen to entail…
read more >>Industrial Strategy, Offshoring, and Employment Promotion in South Africa
by ALTMAN,M., 2012Bardhan, Ashok, Dwight Jaffee and Cynthia Kroll, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Offshoring and Global Employment, Oxford University Press. Chpt 24 pp 620- 646
South Africa has an extremely high rate of unemployment, but also substantial capacity in the service industries. Business process outsourcing and offshoring (BPO&O) is a rapidly expanding global opportunity through which the country might generate many jobs in traded activities. It is essentially a new activity, enabled by the diffusion of broadband and Internet services…
read more >>Potential Job Creation in the South African ICT Sector
by LOWITT,S., 2012Research Report. Human Sciences Research Council.
Lowitt analyses potential job creation in ICT. She provides a demand-side analysis of ICT and broadband, using four categories of demand: private consumption (individuals), private investment (large and small firms), government demand, and trade demand (sale of ICT-enabled services). The ICT sector is dealt with as a separate sector, whose size depends on demand from…
read more >>Broadband for South Africa: Capital Investment and Policy Dimensions
by KLEEMAN,M., 2012Research Report. Human Sciences Research Council
Kleeman assesses the investments required to achieve 100% broadband coverage. He uses case studies of Malaysia, Brazil, Korea, Ghana and Kenya. Kleeman sets out the investment required for national broadband, alternative forms of access, the potential role of government, and different investment models. This report is part of the Vision 2020 process of the Department of…
read more >>Vision 2020 ICT Investment Executive Summary
by ALTMAN,M. , KLEEMAN,M., LOWITT,S. & DALBERG DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS, 2012Research Report. Human Sciences Research Council
This report is part of the Vision 2020 process of the Department of Communications. It focuses on how to achieve investment towards 100% broadband and how to optimise job creation impacts. It assessed the supply side (infrastructure investment) as well as the demand side (factors that increase data use). The country case studies helped to…