Identifying Employment-creating Sectors in South Africa: The Role of Services Industries
Altman explores scenarios for employment creation, with an emphasis on services. It considers whether the government’s current policies for the formal services sector will achieve its 2014 target of halving unemployment. New employment has mainly been found in the formal and non-formal services, and future employment will probably come from such sectors as business services,…
read more >>Elements of Employment Scenario-Building: do Sources of Job Creation Matter? (Three different versions Oct 06, Nov 06 and Jan 07)
“This paper was the initial version of the HSRC Employment Scenarios. Altman starts by proposing 4 categories of job creating sectors: those that focus on poverty alleviation (such as special employment projects), the public service, “follower” services (generally low paid non-traded activity such as retail) and “dynamic” goods and services industries that are traded (such…
read more >>Employment Scenarios to 2024
“The South African government adopted targets of halving unemployment and poverty by 2014. Altman assembles a set of possible scenarios for 2024 for achieving that goal. The approach is to identify the decisions required to boost job creation under different economic conditions, and to set realistic expectations for how certain market-based sectors might contribute to…
read more >>Background to Employment Scenarios
The Human Sciences Research Council’s Evidence-Based Employment Scenarios project was established to develop feasible scenarios of the economic structure to meet the goal of reducing unemployment by half between 2004 and 2014. It aims to identify the path and policy complements required to achieve these scenarios, as well as their political, financial and bureaucratic implications….