The Role of Expanded Public Works Programmes in Halving Unemployment
Altman and Hemson explore the potential contribution of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) to meeting the objective of halving unemployment by 2014. The first part of the paper assesses the employment and incomes generated by the EPWP. In 2006/07, approximately 300,000 people were engaged in an EPWP opportunity. Although still a small programme, it…
read more >>Expanding Early Childhood Development Services: Labour Market Challenges
Altman outlines some of the challenges in rapidly expanding early childhood development (ECD) service delivery in a way that meets acceptable quality standards and that generates sustainable employment, based on findings from the “Scaling up ECD (0-4)” programme at the Human Sciences Research Council. It reviews the service delivery gap, outlines government’s emerging ECD programme,…
read more >>Public service employment and job creation in South Africa
The public service is a significant source of employment in South Africa, accounting for about 13% of formal employment. Until recently, it played a diminishing role, dampening employment growth in the economy. What should its role be in employment creation? This is particularly important in the context of high structural unemployment and serious racial bias…
read more >>Employment Scenarios for the Public Service in South Africa
The public service is a significant source of employment in South Africa, accounting for about 13% to 14% of formal employment. Until recently, it played a diminishing role, dampening employment growth in the economy. What should its role be in employment creation, if any? This is a particularly important question in the context of high…
read more >>Wage Determination in South Africa: What Do We Know?
Wages play an important role in the broader economy from both efficiency and equity perspectives. This article considers the state of knowledge on wage determination in South Africa. It asks the following questions: Is wage setting appropriate for South Africa’s development needs? Are wages determined in alignment with employment and growth needs to achieve full…
read more >>Research Gaps: Labour Market Function and Policy in South Africa
Altman reviews an Human Sciences Research Council labour market research project aimed at identifying knowledge gaps to define a research agenda going forward. Seven overview papers were prepared.covering: low-wage work, labour market regulation, wage formation, the role of the public sector, education and training, school-to-work transitions, HIV/AIDS in the labour market, active labour market policies,…
read more >>A Review of labour Markets in South Africa: Wage Trends and Dynamics in South Africa
Wages play an important role in the broader economy from both efficiency and equity perspectives. Wage formation also lies at the heart of a power play between workers and employers. As part of a broader labour market review, Altman considers the state of knowledge on wage determination in South Africa. She assesses whether wage setting…
read more >>Low Wage Work in South Africa
Altman examines the emerging character of the ‘working poor’ in South Africa and the implications for economic policy. The theme is particularly relevant for economies whose cost structures are not well aligned with promoting meaningful economic participation. The paper starts by setting the unemployment scene, showing that low-paid work is a greater burden if the…
read more >>The Decent Work Agenda in Southern Africa: Evidence and Challenges
The decent work agenda initiated by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 1999 seeks to promote employment and productive work, workers’ rights, social protection and social dialogue. Ncube examines the experiences of nine southern African countries in terms of the decent work agenda, focusing on employment and productive work. The paper notes a lack of…