
The Global Context for Social Development Programmes Early Childhood Development, Community Home-based Care, Community Development Workers, Food and Nutrition

This report investigates the global context for social development programmes with specific focus on four evolving programme areas:1) early childhood development ,2) food and nutrition, 3) community home based care, and 4) community development workers. Policy choices that countries have made have not only been contingent on domestic circumstances such as the socio economic or…


Scaling Up Early Childhood Development (ECD) (0-4 years) in South Africa: What Makes a Difference to Child Outcomes in the Period 0-4? Inputs for Quality ECD Interventions

This paper is one of a series developed to inform the Scaling Up ECD Services (0–4 years) Research Project with the aim of improving child development and significant job creation. Dawes et al present the evidence for programmes to improve child outcomes in the years 0–4, looking at the populations, outcomes and interventions identified in…