Contextualising Employment from Government Programmes
Altman provides an overview of employment in public employment programmes in South Africa, with a special emphasis on the potential for scaling up employment through social development (especially early childhood development) and infrastructure programmes.
read more >>The Economy-Wide Effects of Price-Reducing Reforms in Infrastructure Services in South Africa
Prices of infrastructure services in South Africa may be higher than in other countries because of imperfect competition, non-tariff barriers to trade, or inefficiencies in production. A static computerised general equilibrium (CGE) model is used to analyse the economy-wide effects of reducing telecommunications and transport prices by reforming each of these three factors. This modelling…
read more >>The Economy-Wide Effects of Price Reducing Reforms In Infrastructure Services In South Africa
Prices of infrastructure services in South Africa may be higher than in other countries because of imperfect competition, non-tariff barriers to trade, or inefficiencies in production. A static computerised general equilibrium (CGE) model is used to analyse the economy-wide effects of reducing telecommunications and transport prices by reforming each of these three factors. This modelling…