
Editorial: Studies towards understanding the homeless in South Africa

Cross and Seager offer insight on homelessness in South Africa. They cover the historical origins of homelessness, the way homelessness in other countries compares with South Africa’s, who the homeless are, where they come from, what makes them leave home, and what role their families and personal histories play, the threats to their well-being and…


Social floor and a decent standard of living

Kok et al provide a demographic analysis of the Human Sciences Research Council homelessness survey. They offer a sketch the population dynamics of child and adult homelessness. The paper reviews research methodology, looks at the age, gender and employment status of the respondents, and identifies the foreign-born and citizen population elements. The data suggest that…


Baseline Information on Poverty in the City of Tshwane

Welfare and safety nets are an integral part of the government’s response to poverty and inequality. The Division: Integrated Community Development in the Tshwane Metropolitan Council aims to ensure that the needs of women, children, youth, people with disabilities and older person are catered for in an integrated manner. The division commissioned the Human Sciences…


The state of youth: A demographic perspective

The share of youth population in South Africa has grown substantially – from 17.9% in 1960 to 20.5% in 2009. This trend is likely to continue into the next decade, with a significant reversal expected from about 2020s. The size and trend in the youth population have many implications for socioeconomic development. From a policy standpoint,…