Household Food Security Status in South Africa
by ALTMAN, M., HART, T & JACOBS, P., 2009Agrekon, 48:4, 345-361
Altman et al assess household-level food security in South Africa using publicly available household survey data from Statistics South Africa. The two datasets that are used in particular are the General Household Survey, an annual household survey that began in 2002, and the Income and Expenditure Survey of 2005/06. Because these surveys are not designed…
read more >>Women’s Households and Social Exclusion: A look at the Urbanisation Dimension
by CROSS,C., 2008Agenda, 22(78), 106-119.
It is widely agreed that women-headed households are the most excluded constituency in South Africa. Government delivery aims specifically to empower poor women and their families to gain access to the developed economy in order to promote their escape from poverty, but how best to do this is not always clear. Poverty at household level…
read more >>Editorial: Studies towards understanding the homeless in South Africa
by CROSS, C and SEAGER, J., 2010Editorial, Development Southern Africa, 27:1, 1-2
Cross and Seager offer insight on homelessness in South Africa. They cover the historical origins of homelessness, the way homelessness in other countries compares with South Africa’s, who the homeless are, where they come from, what makes them leave home, and what role their families and personal histories play, the threats to their well-being and…
read more >>Social floor and a decent standard of living
by KOK, P., CROSS, C., & ROUX, N, 2010Development Southern Africa, 27:1, 21-37
Kok et al provide a demographic analysis of the Human Sciences Research Council homelessness survey. They offer a sketch the population dynamics of child and adult homelessness. The paper reviews research methodology, looks at the age, gender and employment status of the respondents, and identifies the foreign-born and citizen population elements. The data suggest that…
read more >>Social floor and a decent standard of living
by CROSS, C., SEAGER, J., ERASMUS, J., WARD, C., and O'DONOVAN, M, 2010Development Southern Africa, 27:1, 5-20
Homelessness on the streets has been of concern to governments and civil society for hundreds of years, and the number of homeless tends to rise when economic conditions take an adverse turn. Laying stress on questions of access to housing, livelihoods and services, this paper compares the historical causes of homelessness in Britain and Europe,…
read more >>Skeletons at the Feast? A review of the Homelessness Question in SA and Other World Regions.
by CROSS, C., SEAGER, J., ERASMUS, J., WARD, C., and O'DONOVAN, M, 2010Development Southern Africa, 27:1, 5-20
Homelessness on the streets has been of concern to governments and civil society for hundreds of years, and the number of homeless tends to rise when economic conditions take an adverse turn. Laying stress on questions of access to housing, livelihoods and services, this paper compares the historical causes of homelessness in Britain and Europe,…
read more >>Social Income in South Africa, An Economy Marred by High Unemployment, Poverty and Extreme Inequality
by METH, C, 2008Research Report. Centre for Poverty Employment and Growth, Human Sciences Research Council
Disagreements about the severity of poverty and inequality in South Africa have stimulated debate on the social wage. Given extreme measurement difficulties, not much reliance can be placed on existing attempts to value the social wage. This paper proposes that income poverty measures be augmented to consider the impact of social spending on disposable income….
read more >>Leveraging Services for Employment, Growth and Equity – Access to Essential Services: The Global Context for Education, Health, Water and Sanitation
by PILLAY, P, 2005Research Report, Employment Growth & Development Initiative, Human Sciences Research Council
As the Millennium Development Compact argues, the first cluster of policies required for countries to break out of poverty traps involve investing in health and education. These investments contribute to growth and human development. Moreover, education, health, nutrition, and water and sanitation complement each other, with investments in any one contributing to better outcomes in…
read more >>Baseline Information on Poverty in the City of Tshwane
by ERASMUS, J.C. & WEIR-SMITH, , 2003Research report, Employment and Economic Policy Research, Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria.
Welfare and safety nets are an integral part of the government’s response to poverty and inequality. The Division: Integrated Community Development in the Tshwane Metropolitan Council aims to ensure that the needs of women, children, youth, people with disabilities and older person are catered for in an integrated manner. The division commissioned the Human Sciences…