Taking Off Into Sustained, Equitable Growth:Lessons From Successes And Failures
by BERRY.A,Monograph. Centre for Poverty Employment and Growth, HSRC.
Berry offers an extensive set of case studies of economies that achieved sustained high growth. Chapter 1 discusses issues surrounding growth acceleration and current challenge for underperforming developing countries and the empirical record: evidence from countries that have accelerated to high sustained growth. Chapter 2 discusses the experience of Singapore and development strategy/policy prior to and during acceleration, lessons from the Singapore experience. Chapter 3 analysis, Ireland becomes a ‘Celtic tiger’ and contributing factors in Ireland’s take-off into sustained, high growth, conclusions about the Irish experience. Chapter 4 analysis South Korea’s acceleration and impressively sustained growth, general features of South Korea’s take off and sustained, high growth. Chapter 5 analyses Indonesia: from ‘lost cause’ to the epitome of sustained growth and some lessons and unresolved puzzles to learn. Chapter 6 considers India’s step-wise acceleration and quantitative aspects of India’s growth. Chapter 7 discusses China’s breakout from a storied past and included some broad patterns and lessons from China’s acceleration and sustained high growth. Chapter 8 analyses Brazil’s ‘miracle’ and its unhappy aftermath and controversies surrounding acceleration and Brazil’s longer run growth. Chapter 9 focuses on Chile’s dramatic emergence from crises to sustained growth and conclusions about the Chilean experience. Chapter 10 focuses on Malaysia: acceleration in a political minefield and Malaysia’s employment and distribution policy: an overview and conclusions about the Malaysian experience. Chapter 11 discusses how growth momentum dissipates in Dutch disease countries: the cases of Venezuela and Nigeria and acceleration and maintenance of high growth in commodity exporters