Creating a learning culture in rural schools via educational satellite television broadcasts.

by ROODT, J. & CONRADIE, P., 2003
"Presented at the Globalisation, Regionalisation and the Information Society- A European and South(ern) African encounter 9 – 10 October 2003 Bruges, Belgium"

Globalisation is increasingly placing greater pressure on economies of countries to become competitive and to develop a higher levels of skills. In order to compete effectively on a global level, education and development must be based on a good foundation. Although formal education in South Africa is presently reaching the majority of children between the ages of seven and fifteen years, actual educational attainment is low. According to the Third International Mathematics and Science Study, South African pupils performed poorly in Mathematics and Physical Science compared to other participating countries. This low attainment could be addressed by stimulating a learning culture through the medium of telematics. There have been a number of such nationwide initiatives aimed at transforming the country into a “knowledge-based society” through the use of ICTs. One such initiative is the University of Pretoria’s “TeleTuks” educational satellite broadcasts to schools. This article concentrates on the benefits of tele-education for schools participating in TeleTuks as perceived by teachers and by learners. This study was also done to determine to what extent schools are able to participate in the various ICT-related options available; and what problems participating schools are experiencing. It was found that satellite TV is effective in supplementing classroom education by fostering an interactive learning culture, although it has not been utilised and implemented widely enough.
